Sunday, January 10, 2021

Diseases due to stress, emotion management and lifestyle

 Diseases due to stress, emotion management and lifestyle

Surprising research...

1. Acidity not only caused by diet errors, but more dominated because of stress.

2. Hypertension not only caused by too much consumption of salty foods, but mainly because of errors in managing emotions.

3. Cholesterol is not only caused by fatty foods, but the excessive laziness or sedentary lifestyle is more responsible.

4. Asthma not only because of the disruption of oxygen supply to lungs, but often sad feelings make lungs unstable.

5. Diabetes not only because of too much consumption of glucose, but selfish & stubborn attitude disrupts the function of the pancreas.

6. Kidney stones : .Not only Calcium Oxalate deposits, but pent up emotions and hatred

7. Spondylitis : not only L4L5 or cervical disorder; but over burdened or too much worries about future

If we want to be healthy then first 
1) Fix your Mind
2) Do regular Exercises, 
2) Move around, 
3) Do Meditation
4) Laugh and make others laugh too.
5) Make Friends

These activities will help you to strengthen your soul, mind and body...

Be Healthy And Enjoy Your Life.

The Spiritually inclined will understand:

The covid virus has a vibration of 5.5hz and dies above 25.5hz.
For humans with a higher vibration, infection is a minor irritant that is soon eliminated!
The reasons for having low vibration could be:
Fear, Phobia, Suspicion
Anxiety, Stress, Tension.
Jealousy, Anger, Rage
Hate, Greed
Attachment or Pain
And so......we have to understand to vibrate higher, so that the lower frequency does not weaken our immune system.
The frequency of the earth today is 27.4hz. but there are places that vibrate very low like:
Assistance Centers.
Underground etc.
It is where the vibration drops to 20hz, or less.
For humans with low vibration, the virus becomes dangerous.
Pain 0.1 to 2hz.
Fear 0.2 to 2.2hz.
Irritation 0.9 to 6.8hz.
Noise 0.6 to 2.2hz.
Pride 0.8 hz.
Superiority 1.9 hz.
A higher vibration on the other hand is the outcome of the following behaviour :-
Generosity 95hz
Gratitude 150 hz
Compassion 150 hz or more.
The frequency of Love and compassion for all living beings is 150 Hz and more.
Unconditional and universal love from 205hz
So...Come on ...
Vibrate Higher!!!
What helps us vibrate high?
Loving, Smiling, Blessing, Thanking, Playing, Painting, Singing, Dancing, Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditating,  Walking in the Sun, Exercising, Enjoying nature, etc.
 Foods that the Earth gives us: seeds-grains-cereals-legumes-fruits and vegetables-
Drinking water: help us vibrate higher ..... !!!
The vibration of prayer alone goes from 120 to 350hz
So sing, laugh, love, meditate, play, give thanks and live ! 
Let's vibrate high ...!!!
This information is  compiled & edited by Naturotherapist Dr.  Harshal Sancheti, Nasik but 
the original source of this information is from the book Power Vs Force
Based on David R Hawkins' Doctoral Thesis. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020



The Nobel Laureate Prof. C. V. Raman after retirement wished to open a Research Institute in Bangalore. 
So he gave an advertisement in the news papers for recruiting three physicists. 

Lots of eager Scientists applied thinking that even if they were not selected, they would at least get an opportunity to meet the Nobel Laureate. 

In the preliminary selection, five candidates were selected and the final interview was to be taken by Prof. C V Raman himself. 

Three were selected out of the five. 

Next day Prof. Raman was taking a walk and found one young man waiting to meet him. 
He realized that it was the same man who was not selected. 
The Prof.  asked him what was the problem and he replied that there was no problem at all, but after finishing the interview the office had paid him ₹7 extra than his claim and he wanted to return it. 
But because the accounts had closed, they could not take back the amount and asked him to enjoy. 
The man said that it is not right for him to accept the money which did not belong to him. 
Prof. C V Raman told him so you wish to return the ₹7 and he took the money from him. 

After going few  steps forward the Prof. asked the young man to meet him the next day at 10.30 am. The man was happy that he would get an opportunity to meet the great man again.

When he met the Prof.  next day the Nobel Laureate told the young man "son, you failed in the Physics test but you have passed the honesty test. 
So I have created another post for you". 
The young man was surprised and very happy to join.

Later on he too became a Nobel Laureate in 1983. This young man was *Prof. Subrahmanyan Chandrashekhar*(US Citizen of Indian Origin)

He has written a book on how the seven rupees changed his life.

This was how honesty made a great scientist. What is lacking in talent can most often be made up for, with hard work, guidance and help from others, but what is lacking in character and values, can't be made up for with anything ever. 
Which is why Einstein said - Dont try to be a man of success, but always be a man of value.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Significance of timely and appropriate action

Significance of timely and appropriate action 

Draupadi - A vengeful & strong willed wife.
Gambled, Disrobed & Humiliated, she remained bold & forthright even in her adversity.She was abused by dragging her hair through the court & teased by Dushashana.
Nothing much has changed since the 'Mahabharata' era in India.Conspiracy and Shaming is still a large part of 'Modern India'.

In Mahabharata, the great Bhishma did only one sin & his sin was that he didn't react & showed his anger/ resistance, when it was needed the most (during Draupadi Vastraharan)

In Ramayana, the vulture king Jatayu did show his anger/ resistance when it was needed the most (when Ravana kidnapped Sita mata)

Bhishma inspite of all his goodness is remembered for his single sin & he died on the arrow bed

Jatayu on the other hand is remembered for his Swami (Ram) Bhakti

What we should learn from this 
Anger / resistance should be shown at appropriate time.... Else you may have to repent forever

Friday, November 1, 2019

पौराणिक विज्ञान

पौराणिक विज्ञान

रात्रि के अंतिम प्रहर में एक बुझी हुई चिता की भस्म पर अघोरी ने जैसे ही आसन लगाया, एक प्रेत ने उसकी गर्दन जकड़ ली और बोला- मैं जीवन भर विज्ञान का छात्र रहा और जीवन के उत्तरार्ध में तुम्हारे पुराणों की विचित्र कथाएं पढ़कर भ्रमित होता रहा। यदि तुम मुझे पौराणिक कथाओं की सार्थकता नहीं समझा सके तो मैं तुम्हे भी इसी भस्म में मिला दूंगा।

अघोरी बोला- एक कथा सुनो, रैवतक राजा की पुत्री का नाम रेवती था। वह सामान्य कद के पुरुषों से बहुत लंबी थी, राजा उसके विवाह योग्य वर खोजकर थक गये और चिंतित रहने लगे। थक-हारकर वो योगबल के द्वारा पुत्री को लेकर ब्रह्मलोक गए। राजा जब वहां पहुंचे तब गन्धर्वों का गायन समारोह चल रहा था, राजा ने गायन समाप्त होने की प्रतीक्षा की।
गायन समाप्ति के उपरांत ब्रह्मदेव ने राजा को देखा और पूछा- कहो, कैसे आना हुआ?

राजा ने कहा- मेरी पुत्री के लिए किसी वर को आपने बनाया अथवा नहीं?
ब्रह्मा जोर से हंसे और बोले- जब तुम आये तबतक तो नहीं, पर जिस कालावधि में तुमने यहाँ गन्धर्वगान सुना उतनी ही अवधि में पृथ्वी पर २७ चतुर्युग बीत चुके हैं और २८ वां द्वापर समाप्त होने वाला है, अब तुम वहां जाओ और कृष्ण के बड़े भाई बलराम से इसका विवाह कर दो, अच्छा हुआ की तुम रेवती को अपने साथ लाए जिससे इसकी आयु नहीं बढ़ी।

इस कथा का वैज्ञानिक संदर्भ समझो- आर्थर सी क्लार्क ने आइंस्टीन की थ्योरी ऑफ़ रिलेटिविटी की व्याख्या में एक पुस्तक लिखी है- मैन एंड स्पेस, उसमे गणना है की यदि 10 वर्ष का बालक यदि प्रकाश की गति वाले यान में बैठकर एंड्रोमेडा गैलेक्सी का एक चक्कर लगाये तो वापस आनेपर उसकी आयु ६६ वर्ष की होगी पर धरती पर 40 लाख वर्ष बीत चुके होंगे। यह आइंस्टीन की time dilation theory ही तो है जिसके लिए जॉर्ज गैमो ने एक मजाकिया कविता लिखी थी-

There was a young girl named Miss Bright,
Who could travel much faster than light
She departed one day in an Einstein way
And came back previous night

प्रेत यह सुनकर चकित था, बोला- यह कथा नहीं है, यह तो पौराणिक विज्ञान है, हमारी सभ्यता इतनी अद्भुत रही है, अविश्वसनीय है। तभी तो आइंस्टीन पुराणों को अपनी प्रेरणा कहते थे।

अघोरी मुस्कुराता रहा और प्रेत वायु में विलीन हो गया।

हम विश्व की सबसे उन्नत संस्कृति हैं यह विश्वास मत खोना।
ओउम् नमो: शिवाय।

Thursday, June 27, 2019

E... life

The ...E... life  !!!!!

In this world of E-mails, E-ticket, E-paper, E-recharge, E-transfer and the latest E-Governance..E- commerce.

Never Forget "E-shwar ( God )"

who makes e-verything e-asy for e-veryone e-veryday.

"E" is the most Eminent letter of the English alphabet.

Men or Women don't exist without "E".

House or Home can't be made without "E".

Bread or Butter can't be found without "E".

"E" is the beginning of "existence" and the end of "trouble."

It's not at all in 'war'
but twice in 'peace'.

It's once in 'hell' but twice in 'heaven'.

"E" represented in 'Emotions'
Hence,  all emotional relations like Father, Mother, Brother, Sister,wife & friends have 'e' in them.

"E" also represents 'Effort' & 'Energy'
Hence to be 'Better' from good  two "e"s are added in better.

Without "e", we would have no love, life, wife, friends or hope

& 'see', 'hear', 'smell', or 'taste' as 'eye' 'ear', 'nose' & 'tongue' are incomplete without "e".

Finally no 'Life' & 'Death' without "e".

Hence GO with "E"
but without E-GO.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tips to marry rich guys

Tips to marry rich guys 

Most of the girls want to marry rich guys. It is very unfortunate how men are reduced to price tags. Similarly, a girl called Pooja Chohan asked Mukesh Ambani on a forum for tips to marry rich guys like him. She was asking direct questions like where do rich guys hangout and how can she impress them. Mukesh Ambani’s reply to this rich husband seeking girl on a forum is totally to the point.
Salute to Mukesh Ambani for being so brutally honest to the girl and trying to make her see reality.

Here is what the girl wrote:

I’m going to be honest to what I’m going to say here.

I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with 100 crore annual salary or above.

You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary 2 crore is considered only as middle class now days..

My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of 100 crore annual salary? Are you all married?

I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?

Among those I’ve dated, the richest is 50 crore annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit.

If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden(?), 50 crore annual income is not enough.

I’m here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)

2) Which age group should I target?

3) Why most wives of the riches are only average-looking? I’ve met a few girls who don’t have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.

4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)

Ms. Pooja I Chohan.


This is the amazing reply Mukesh Ambani gave to the girl:


Dear Ms. Pooja,

I ( Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Group ) have read your post with great interest.

Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.

My annual income is more than 100 crore, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty” and “money”: Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.

However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.

Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I ( Mukesh Ambani ) am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position”.

If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased”.

Anyone with over 100 crore annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with 100 crore annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.


Mukesh Ambani

Friday, February 22, 2019

Illeterate dunhill

Illiterate Dunhill 

This is absolutely mind blowing

A church in London had rules that it would not employ anyone, without formal high school education. The old pastor was benign and not a stickler of rules.  He allowed Alfred (who lacked formal education) as the caretaker to clean the pews, sweep the floor and keep the podium spick and span.

Alfred had put off taking his high school examination till it became too late.

Once the old pastor retired, he was replaced by a younger person who followed the rule book.  As he came to know about the caretaker’s education, he issued a notice to him that either he should get a high school certificate in six months or he should resign.

Alfred knew that you could not teach an old dog new tricks and that he had no option but to resign.

He started out his afternoon stroll in deep thought and got into Bond Street.  Suddenly, he felt an urge to smoke. He could not find a single tobacco shop on the entire street.

He walked further down into a side street where he could purchase his cigarette.  He came back to the busy Bond Street. He realized that a small cigarette shop in the street would be a sound business proposition.

He resigned at the church and started a small shop on Bond Street which prospered way beyond his expectations.  He noticed that many of his customers were coming from the other side of the street.  He started another shop on that side of Bond Street.
The two shops multiplied to four and then sixteen In three years, Alfred Dunhill Co. was soon a leading tobacconist in England.

He started machine-rolling cigarettes and introduced his own brand of Dunhill cigarettes. In five years, he was a millionaire many times over.

To ensure a consistent supply of tobacco, he entered into an annual purchase agreement with a couple of American tobacco farmers and went across to America to meet them.

It was a big boost for the American tobacco farmers and the contract signing ceremony was converted into a media circus, with a Senator and Governor participating.

When the contracts were actually signed, Dunhill affixed his thumb impression because he had not learnt to sign his name.

The Governor was impressed and said, “Well Sir! This is awesome.  Even without a formal education you have achieved so much. Just imagine what would you have done if you had a formal education!”

Dunhill’s characteristic, often repeated reply, was,

“If I knew how to read and write, I would still be sweeping the church!”