Wednesday, March 21, 2018


“How do you feel about what your kids are doing?”
“Resentful. Angry. I’m full of despair. I feel like a failure.”
“He’s ruining our family. What will be the effect on our other kids?”
“We’re hitting rock bottom.”
I said: I’m not an expert in parenting — just a fellow traveler. Here is what I’ve learned from walking the path with my children.
Step #1: It’s not about you. Let go of your ego.
Your ego is telling you — it’s about ME, as a mother or father. The voice in your head pushing: “How can she do this to ME? He is ruining MY Shabbat! I(!) am angry, I(!) am resentful, I(!) am full of despair” — that’s coming from your ego. It’s your “Me” voice, putting you in the center and convincing you that your relationship with your child is really about how YOU are doing.
For too long, my ego told me to worry about how this reflected on me as a father and educator to others. I felt a lot of anger, resentment, and despair.
But God entrusted specifically you to raise, nurture, and support this child. Of all the possible parents in the world, God chose you to be the parents of these kids. You have a responsibility — a mission.
Your rebellious, insolent, disrespectful kid is trying to figure out who he or she is. That’s what adolescence is about. Moving from childhood to adulthood shouldn’t be easy. For kids, moving from their parents’ voices to their own voice is one of the most demanding tasks of their lives. Many people never do it, remaining obedient children their whole lives. Yet most of us want our kids to be independent and find their own voice — on condition that it is the same as ours.
When I ask kids who have rejected the lifestyle and religious approach of their parents what they want, they always tell me the same thing:
“I want to be seen and heard as myself. I don’t want to be judged. I don’t want to be loved with an agenda. I don’t want to be compared to other kids. I just want my parents to see and hear me.”
That’s all. Not complicated. They don’t want our sage advice or the wisdom of our experience. They want to be seen and heard. What we might call an “I-Thou” relationship.
Do we have any idea how pained and broken are the kids who are not seen or heard?
There is only one place in the world where kids can be unconditionally nurtured and supported — their home. Friends come and go; they have their own paths and lives to discover. School and work are full of pressure and demands. These kids are walking the high-wire in life and their only safety net is the love and support their parents provide. What is the result of love and support becoming conditional? What happens when the parents remove the net?
There is a bond between parents and children that is meant to last a lifetime. It is irreplaceable. If the safety net becomes conditional, or worse yet, is removed, then both the parents and the kids experience a scarring which, unless seriously addressed, will impact the rest of their lives and permeate all of their relationships. The brokenness doesn’t go away. It plays out in the eventual families of these kids, in their marriages and their relationships with their own children. It is a generational brokenness.
I ask the parents:
“You know that you love your kid, but if I were to ask your child if s/he feels fully loved, what do you think s/he would say?”
Their faces go white. Silence. Finally, in a barely audible whisper: “Probably not.”
Step #2: Risk everything. It’s worth it.
Parenting is the loneliest profession. And it can make us feel utterly alone. When I reached rock bottom as a father, everything else in my life became irrelevant. Career became incidental. I could only pray: “Please God give me the wisdom to know what to do — because everything I’m trying is not working.” And God gave me what I needed: the ability to love my child even when he was confounding my family.
I wish a friend had said to me: “Why don’t you ask him? Why don’t you ask your kid what he needs from you? Now?”
If a friend had offered that suggestion, I would have received it like a punch in the gut. “What? Isn’t that turning upside-down the parent-child relationship? And even more — what if he asks me for something I can’t give? Like accepting him?”
If I had one do-over as a parent, I wish it had occurred to me to ask him, and then had the courage to do so.
A question like, “What do you need from me, as your parent?” is like pushing all of your chips to the center of the poker table. There is a moment of breathlessness that is frightening. It is scary to be “all-in.”
But our kids deserve and need us to be utterly vulnerable, risk-taking, and “all-in.” That’s walking the walk of loving our kids.
Step #3: It’s about your kid.
Listen, love, and support. Even when they make different decisions than you did, decisions that may break your heart.
I offer a new approach. I ask the parents:
“What if you tried to listen and see your kid — where he or she is?
What if, instead of giving your daughter “the look” when she wears a tank top, you asked her: “Where do you go shopping for your tank tops? Would you like to go together?”
What if, instead of giving your son “the look” when he talks about eating treif, you asked him with a smile: “What’s the tastiest treif you’ve eaten?”
The parents blanch at my words. I think the mother is going to be sick right in front of me. She says: “I could never do that. Do I have to agree with them?! What about my values?”
No, of course, you don’t have to agree with everything they do. But you do have to hear them; you have to hear them for where they are.
I ask: “Do you want to keep reminding them of your values? How is that working for you?! Isn’t that how you got to rock bottom? More importantly, your kids already know your values. They don’t miss a beat. They could write your script for you! They know what you’re going to say and when you don’t say it, they know what you’re thinking.
“What they don’t know is: will you still love and support them if they make different life decisions than you? Will you only love and support them if they are just like you? As they begin their journeys as adults, will you still treat them as children?”
The parents respond:
“But what will be the effect on our other kids if they see us supporting them when they are making decisions antithetical to ours?!”
I suggest:
“Your other kids will learn that you are a very loving parent. That your love is unconditional. That you will always be there for them, no matter what. They will learn from you how to love other people who have made different choices.”
Adolescence is tricky and dangerous. It is possible to make mistakes during those few years that reverberate for a lifetime. It is possible to scar and lose a child — forever. I remind the parents — take a deep breath and look at the marathon of parenting. Don’t you want to have a full unbroken relationship with your kids when they are in their 20s, 30s, and later? Or do you want to join the huge fraternity of parents who have damaged their relationship with their kids because of turbulent adolescent years, and now suffer through an empty shell of a relationship?
Finally, I offer the parents some homework:
Write a letter from your kid to you. Describe how you (in the voice of your kid) would like you (the parent) to love and support him/her. Write what you think your kid is desperate to hear from you, deep inside.
Then I ask the parents to share their letters with each other.
The commentators on the Shulchan Aruch write that one should not put a stumbling block before the blind. If, from the age when kids begin to develop their own self-awareness, their parents do not respect them, this will induce the kids to transgress honoring them. When the parents don’t listen or see their kids, they are putting a stumbling block before them.
Rav Kook writes that emunah (belief) and ahavah (love) are inextricably linked. Emunah without ahavah is empty. We can’t let our religious beliefs eclipse our love for people, all the more so for our children. God has chosen and entrusted us to be the parents of these kids. It’s not about us.
We are parenting in turbulent times. Parenting from rock bottom can teach us that underneath it all our relationship with our kids is extremely fragile. We need to remember: it’s not about us. We need to be “all-in,” and, despite all that their behavior may indicate, our kids still need us.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How to handle lonely night situation for a lady

As per _Indian Penal Code_ 233. If a girl is suspected to be raped or getting raped, then she has the supreme right to *kill* the man, or *harm* that person as dangerously and girl won't be blamed for *murder*. Tell as many as you can its your power create awareness. Share this as many as you can

1. What should a *woman* do if she finds herself alone in the company of a strange male as she prepares to enter a lift in a High Rise apartment late at night …?????

Experts Say : Enter the lift ……… If you need to reach the 13th floor, *press all the buttons up to your destination*. No one will dare attack you in a lift that stops on every floor.

2. What to do if a stranger tries to attack you when you are alone in your house, run into the kitchen.

Experts Say : You alone know where the *chili powder and turmeric* are kept. And where the knives and plates are. All these can be turned into deadly weapons. If nothing else, start throwing plates and utensils all over. Let them break. *Scream*… Remember that noise is the greatest enemy of a molester. He does not want to be caught.

3. Taking an Auto or Taxi at Night.

Experts Say : Before getting into an auto at night, note down its *registration* number. Then use the *mobile* to call your family or friend and pass on the details to them in the language the driver understands. Even if no one answers your call, pretend you are in a conversation. The driver now knows someone has his details and he will be in serious trouble if anything goes wrong. He is now bound to take you home safe and sound. A potential attacker is now your de facto protector.

4. What if the driver turns into a street he is not supposed too and you feel you are entering a danger zone …

Experts Say : Use the *handle* of your purse or your stole (dupatta) to wrap around his neck and pull him back. Within seconds, he will feel choked and helpless. In case you don’t have a purse or stole just pull him back by his *collar*. The top button of his shirt would then do the same trick.

5. If you are stalked at night …

Expert Say : enter a shop or a house and explain your predicament. If it is night and shops are not open, go inside an *ATM box*. ATM centers always have close circuit television. Fearing identification, no one will dare attack you.

After all, being mentally alert is the greatest weapon you can ever have.


Karmic baggage....

If you are able to understand it...u will never complain in life....

Souls and Karmic Connections
We have traveled through many lifetimes and lived with many different souls amid family, friends or those who don't really get along with us. Some may have even tried to harm us emotionally, physically or spiritually. All said and done. We all are the same and belong to only one group that is SOULS. We all have traveled together in different lifetimes and have shared various relationships with each other such as,

Drivers and
even so-called Enemies.

Each person is a Soul that tries to help the other move forward spiritually and reduce the Karmic baggage.

Sometimes the Soul that loves us the most, might willingly take birth as an enemy or a tormentor in a lifetime, just to help us work out our karma. Thus, a person, who we think hates us and we in return hate, might be our greatest well-wisher spiritually.

He or She may be responsible for our becoming spiritual or compassionate. That very person who is creating hell in our lives may bring us closer to spirituality. In the present lifetime, he/she may be doing so because that could be the only way to teach us a lesson.

Sometimes, a Soul is reborn just to comfort us and be there in times of need.

So, who is our friend and who is our enemy? They all are part of the Soul-Family who wants to help us and want help in return. Sometimes an opportunity comes in the form of a Disaster. Sometimes, the only way to grow spiritually and in life is through pain, sorrow and turmoil.

That is when Life seems strange.

Hence never form judgments, abuse or hate and never say nasty things about anyone. Who knows we may be harming the Soul who loves us the most spiritually but are not able to recognize it as the soul is wearing a different body in this particular lifetime .
You're so hard on yourself.
Take a moment..
Sit back.
Marvel at your life:
at the grief that softened you,
at the heartache that wisened you,
at the suffering that strengthened you.
Despite everything,
you still grow,
Be proud of this.

"Start a new trend. Stop saying 'Sorry' instead say 'Thanks'. Like in place of 'Sorry I am late' say 'Thank you for waiting for me'.  This will shift the way you think and of yourself and improve your relationships with others who get to receive your 'gratitude' instead of 'Negativity'

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Salute English Teacher

Salute English Teacher

One fine morning in London, an English billionaire was taking a walk with his dog. 
Suddenly a Pakistani man runs out from the bushes in front of him and shot the poor dog three times.
The dog died.

The billionaire screamed at the killer,"Why did you do that".
The killer answered, "Your Wife gave me
£ 50000 and said "Go kill that son of a bitch"
The billionaire hugged the killer & with tears in his eyes said... "I am forever grateful to your English teacher"🤗🤗🤗🤪😜

Monday, March 12, 2018

Medication in varanasi

A white American friend, his wife, and their 12 year old daughter had spent the last week in Varanasi and he reached America today. Needlessly to say, the lack of infrastructure initially shocked them. They slowly got used to it. Two days before his departure, their daughter suddenly had trouble breathing in the middle of the night. She is prone to allergens. The parents panicked.

They rushed to the lobby of the guest house. There was none at the reception. The security guard was an old man who appeared inebriated and didn't speak a word of English. However, he rushed to the room, understood what was going on, and then called his wife at home over the mobile phone. His wife responded and rushed to the nearest doctor, woke him up, and sent him to the guesthouse. In less than 10 minutes, the doctor was at the guesthouse. The guard's wife anticipated the need for prescription medication and woke up the neighborhood pharmacist. Most pharmacies in India are a hole in the wall, very efficient, and the pharmacist usually lives right beside the pharmacy.

Long story short, the girl received her medication and the best care. The bill? The doctor didn't accept any payment. He just dismissed my friend with a wave of his hand and went away. The security guard had gone back to sleep. The medication cost less than INR 200.

My friend's remark: "Actually mate, the system is very efficient. The doctors don't waste time having lengthy conversation. The way they instill confidence in the child has to be seen to be believed. I think it is the wealth of experience. The girl, who was in panic a minute ago, calmed down seeing the body language of the doctor. You don't have this extensive ambulance and ER racket. People are resourceful."

"So, how is your daughter now? Is she too glad to be back in America?"

"Oh, my wife and daughter are in love with Varanasi. They extended their stay by a week."

वाया : Kalavai Venkat

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Time to Time Update & Upgrade

Changes are required in life to survive, please read some examples.... A man Kearns from mistake, be a man learn from others mistake........###########.. In 1998, Kodak employed 1,70,000 employees and sold 85% of the world's photo papers. Within the last few years, digaital photography made them out of the market. Kodak went bankrupt and all his staff came on the road. .

HMT (clock)
BAJAJ (scooter)
MURPHY (radio)
NOKIA (Mobile)
RAJDOOT (bike)

There was no shortage of quality at all, yet they were out of the market !!
They have not changed over time. !!

You have an idea that in the coming 10 years, the world will change completely and 70 to 90% of the people running today will be closed.

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution ...

Uber is just a software. He does not have a single car of his own, despite this he is the world's largest taxi company.

Airbnb is the world's largest hotel company, while they do not have a single hotel of their own.

There are many examples like paytm, ola cabs, oyo rooms.

There is no work left for young lawyers in the US now because the software named IBM Watson gives better legal advice throughout the moment. In the next 10 years, 90% of Americans will become unemployed ... who will save 10% ... they will be Super Specialists.

The software named Watson is diagnosed with 4x Accuracy of Cancer compared to humans. By 2030 the computer will be more intelligent than humans.

By 2018, Driverless cars will land on the roads. By 2020, this single invention will start to change the whole world.

90% cars will disappear from the streets of the world in the next 10 years ... Those who will survive will either have electric cars or hybrid ... roads will be empty, consumption of petrol will decrease by 90%, all Arab countries will become bankrupt .

You will request a car from a software like Uber and in a few moments, a driverless car will be parked at your door ... if you share it with someone, that ride will be cheaper than your bike.

Due to being a driverless of cars, 99% of accidents will stop. This will stop the business of Car Insurance.

No employment like a driver will survive on earth. When 90% cars will disappear from cities and roads, problems like Traffic and Parking will end automatically ... because a car will be equal to 20 cars today.

From today 5 or 10 years ago, there was no such place where there is no PCO. Then when the mobile phone came in all the pockets, the PCO started to shut down. Then all the PCO people started selling the phone again. Now the recharge is also going on line.

Have you ever noticed ..?

Nowadays every third store in the market is now mobile phone.
sale, service, recharge, accessories, repair, maintenance.

Now all is done by Paytm .. Now people have started booking railway tickets with their phones. Now the transaction of money is also changing. Currency Note was replaced by Plastic Money and now Digital becomes Transactions are

The world is changing very fast .. Keep the eye ears nose open or else you will lose ...

Prepare to change over time.

The person should continue to make changes in his business and his nature over time.
"Time to Time Update & Upgrade"

Run with time and get success.

Hearing problem

An Old man goes to an audiologist for his hearing problem.g audiologist gives him a nice powerful hearing aid.

A month later the old man goes back for check up. The audiologist asks him how is the hearing now. He says it's marvellous.

So your family must  be very pleased says the audiologist. 

Old man answers : Haven't told the family about my hearing aid. I just sit and listen to everyone's conversation.  *In last one month I have changed my WILL 5 times*